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Using sqlfmt in a Container

We build official container images with every release of sqlfmt (since v0.15.0) and push them to GHCR (the GitHub Container Registry). With Docker installed, you can run sqlfmt to format all files in your current working directory with:

docker run -v $(pwd):/src

About the Container File Structure and Default Commands

To format files on the host, you need to configure the container by mapping a volume on the host to a directory inside the container. In the command above, we included -v $(pwd):/src to map the current working directory to the /src directory in the container.

The container is configured to use /src as its working directory, so to format files in the volume, you can run sqlfmt . inside the container. You can also provide more specific paths (relative to the root of the volume that you provided). For example, if your current working directory includes a subdirectory called ./models, you can format only that subdirectory with:

docker run -v $(pwd):/src sqlfmt ./models

Or you can choose to mount only that subdirectory:

docker run -v $(pwd)/models:/src sqlfmt .

You can create multiple mounts:

docker run \
-v $(pwd)/models/model_one.sql:/src/model_one.sql
-v $(pwd)/models/model_two.sql:/src/model_two.sql sqlfmt .

The default command for the container is just sqlfmt . (with /src set as the container's working directory), so running these are equivalent:

docker run -v $(pwd):/src
docker run -v $(pwd):/src sqlfmt .

The jinjafmt extra is installed in the container. You can configure sqlfmt to disable Jinja formatting.

Running Other sqlfmt Commands

You can pass other commands into the container by adding arguments to the end of docker run. This will run sqlfmt in check mode, with a line length of 100:

docker run -v $(pwd):/src sqlfmt . --check --line-length 100

Configuring sqlfmt

Just like when you run sqlfmt natively, you can configure sqlfmt in the container three ways:

  1. Pass an explicit CLI option
  2. Set environment variables
  3. Use a pyproject.toml file

Read more about configuring sqlfmt here.

Using CLI Options

You can simply include any CLI option by passing a command into the container. For example, to run sqlfmt without formatting Jinja:

docker run -v $(pwd):/src sqlfmt . --no-jinjafmt

Setting Environment Variables

You can use docker run -e to set environment variables for configuration:

docker run \
-v $(pwd):/src \

Using a pyproject.toml File

If your pyproject.toml file is in the directory that is mounted to the container, then sqlfmt will find it and apply its configuration.

Using a Specific Version of sqlfmt

The images in GHCR are tagged with the corresponding sqlfmt version number. Only versions since v0.15.0 are available. You can pin the sqlfmt version by running the container with a version tag:

docker run -v $(pwd):/src

The tag latest will be bumped with every release (major, minor, or patch).

Images since v0.16.0 have support for multiple platforms: linux/amd64, linux/arm64, and linux/arm. Docker should automatically pull the best image for you. Open an issue to request other platforms.

There is no official image for installing sqlfmt @main.